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Taking a look at Aleksandr Logachev’s 1:350 scale model of the Raketnyy Kreyser “Moskva,” the first thing that grabs my attention is the precision of the paint job. The subtle gray tones with that crisp red waterline create a sharp contrast that’s really appealing. The cleanliness of the assembly is quite remarkable, with no excess glue visible and straight, neat lines.
Logachev’s dedication to detail here is evident. The project 1164 “Atlant” class, as “Moskva” was known in the real world, was all about presence and power, and this model captures that essence well. From what I know, the “Moskva” was quite a significant player during its time, being part of the Soviet Navy’s emphasis on missile capability. It’s cool to think this model represents the flagship of its class.
One does notice how Aleksandr meticulously added details like the radar masts and missile launchers. These parts could have easily been overlooked or simplified, but not here. It’s these elements that draw me in closer, inviting a further look into the intricacies. The decals add a real punch, too, giving that authentic feel without overpowering the rest.
An interesting aspect of building such a model is balancing between clean lines and adding some wear. In this case, a bit of weathering might have added to the realism, but the sleek condition also suggests a fresh launch. Having seen these cruisers in some documentaries, the model really evokes a sense of awe at their formidable structure.
The most captivating part of this build is definitely how it manages to encapsulate a piece of naval history in such a compact form. It’s not just a display of hardness, but a glimpse into the fascinating world of naval warfare technology and the incredible craftsmanship required to bring it to life in miniature.
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