Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model
Leningrad, DD, 1:100 scale model

More images posted by Jokker on: https://karopka.ru/community/user/8991/?MODEL=253658

The moment I laid eyes on Jokker’s model of the Buksir Leningrad, I was struck by its clean lines and sharp paintwork. At a scale of 1:100 by Revell, it’s not just the size that’s notable but the precision of the details. The black and red hull contrasts nicely with the crisp white superstructure, making the model pop.

What I find intriguing about the real tugboat, Buksir Leningrad, is its role in bustling port activities — often overlooked in favor of the larger ships it aided. It’s like being the unsung hero of the maritime world. This model captures that spirit brilliantly. The attention to detail here, especially the small deck features, mirrors the functionality of the actual vessel.

Jokker’s craftsmanship shines through the seamless fit of the pieces, which isn’t always easy at this scale. The railings are particularly impressive, looking sturdy yet finely detailed. I also appreciate how the model avoids excessive weathering. Instead, it maintains a fresh look, as if it just glided off the docks.

Looking at the model, I’m drawn to the small bits of character that Jokker has included, like the tiny flag waving atop the mast. It makes me wonder if this was meant to represent a specific moment in time or just a creative touch.

I think what stands out most about this model is how it evokes the presence of the Buksir Leningrad in miniature form. It reminds us of the vital, often unseen, workhorses of the sea. The choice of a tugboat as a subject reflects a genuine affection for these stalwart vessels. It’s a model that’s as much about appreciating the history of seafaring as it is about the artistry of model-making.